Gholam A. Peyman

Gholam A. Peyman

Born Iran
Residence Phoenix, USA
Nationality Iranian American
Fields Ophthalmology, Engineering
Institutions Professor of Basic Medical Sciences at the University of Arizona, Phoenix & Optical Sciences at University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona
Emeritus Professor of Ophthalmology, Tulane University
Alma mater University of Freiburg, Germany, University of Essen, Germany
Known for Inventor of LASIK,[1]
Notable awards Hall of Fame,[2] American Society of Cataract and Refractive surgery (Washington, DC, 2005)
Lifetime Achievement Award,American Academy of Ophthalmology (2008)

Gholam A. Peyman, MD is a Hall of Fame[3] of Ophthalmology and retina surgeon who is also a prolific and successful inventor. Gholam Peyman has, thus far, been granted 124 US Patents[4] covering a broad range of novel medical devices, intra-ocular drug delivery, surgical techniques, as well as new methods of diagnosis and treatment. His most widely-known invention to date is LASIK eye surgery,[5] a vision correction procedure designed to allow people to see clearly without glasses. He was awarded the first US patent for the procedure in 1989 (link to image of patent, below). In addition to the numerous other honors and awards he has received (please see section 4, for Publications and awards), in 2005 he was selected by a ballot among the more than 30,000 ophthalmologists around the world to become one of the thirteen living ophthalmologists inducted into the Hall of Fame of Ophthalmology.[6]


Life and career

Peyman was born in Iran. At the age of 19, he moved to Germany to begin his medical studies. He received his MD at the University of Freiburg in 1962. He completed his internship at St. Johannes Hospital in Diusberg, Germany in 1964 and at Passaic General Hospital in Passaic, New Jersey in 1965. Peyman completed his residency in ophthalmology and a retina fellowship at the University of Essen, Essen Germany, in 1969 and an additional postdoctoral fellowship in retina at the Jules Stein Eye Institute, UCLA School of Medicine in Los Angeles in 1971. Peyman held the position of Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at the UCLA School of Medicine from 1971 and served as Associate Professor and then Professor of Ophthalmology at the Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago during 1971-1987. Peyman held a joint appointment at the School of Medicine and also at the Neuroscience Center of Excellence at the Louisiana State University Medical University Medical Center in New Orleans during 1987-2000. During 1998-2000 Peyman held the Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Ahmed Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Chair in Retinal Diseases. During 2000-2006, Peyman served as Professor of Ophthalmology and Co-Director, Vitreo-Retinal Service, Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans. During 2006-2007 he was Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Arizona, Tucson with a cross appointment at University of Arizona Optical Sciences. He has been emeritus Professor of Ophthalmology at Tulane University since 2009. Peyman is currently Professor of Basic Medical Sciences at the University of Arizona, Phoenix & Optical engineering at U.A. Tucson AZ.

The Invention of LASIK Surgery and its improvements: In 1977, because of his interest in the effects of lasers on tissues in the eye, Peyman began evaluating the potential use of a CO2 laser to modify corneal refraction in rabbits. No prior study had existed on this concept. The laser was applied to the surface of the cornea using different pattens. This laser created significant scarring. His conclusions at that time were: 1) one has to wait for the development of an ablative laser and 2) one should not ablate the surface of the cornea but, instead, the ablation should take place under a flap in order to prevent scarring, pain and other undesirable sequelae. Peyman published the first article on this subject in 1980.[7] In 1982, he read an article from Bell Laboratories, published in Laser Focus, describing the photo-ablative properties of an excimer laser on organic material. This was very exciting information, but, unfortunately, Peyman did not have access to this laser, which at the time was new and very expensive By 1985 and beyond, many investigators were interested in ablating the corneal surface. However, because of his previous experience with the CO2 laser, Peyman wanted to avoid surface ablation in order to prevent potential corneal scarring and the pain associated with the removal of the corneal epithelium, necessary to expose the surface of the cornea. Therefore, in July 1985, he applied for a patent that described a method of modifying corneal refractive errors using laser ablation under a corneal flap (please see Figure 1). This US patent was accepted after two revisions and issued in June, 1989. Peyman performed a number of experimental studies evaluating the effect of various excimer lasers in collaboration with Physics Department of the University of Helsinki, Finland. Since he had purchased an Erb-Yag laser in the U.S., he evaluated the concept using this laser in vivo in rabbit and primate eyes and described the creation of a hinged corneal flap to enable the ablation to be performed on the exposed corneal bed, thus reducing the potential for postoperative scarring and pain.[8] Improvements to LASIK Surgery: Inlays: Always aware of the potential limitations of his invention, Peyman devoted considerable time and effort in subsequent years to ameliorating them. In order to improve the risk/benefit considerations of the LASIK procedure, he invented and patented a broad range of ablative and non-ablative inlays to be placed under the surgically created corneal flap. These inlays offered many potential advantages over the standard LASIK technique, the most significant of which is that the inlay procedure is reversible.[9] Improvements to LASIK Surgery: Accelerating the Return of Corneal Sensitivity Creating the surgical flap that enables the LASIK procedure necessarily cuts corneal nerves, leaving the surface of the cornea insensitive for many months following the LASIK procedure. This is a potential risk for the patient in several ways. For example the surface of the eye could be scratched and damaged without the patient realizing this, sometimes leading to an infection that has serious consequences. Peyman evaluated the application of topical cyclosporine to the cornea prior and postsurgery in LASIK patients in order to address this problem. He was able to convincingly demonstrate in a controlled clinical study that its use dramatically accelerates the return of corneal sensitivity after LASIK surgery when compared to the contra-lateral control eye (which received LASIK surgery but not cyclosporine). In 2008 Peyman was awarded the Waring medal by a leading peer-reviewed ophthalmology journal for this breakthrough invention[10] (please also see 4 Publications and awards). Figure 1. Dr. Peyman's patent was the first to describe what has become one of the most popular and effective elective surgical procedures in history: Laser-Assisted In situ Keratomileusis, more commonly known as LASIK surgery.

Other Inventions and patents

Peyman's inquiring mind, coupled with his keen interest in engineering and pharmacology along with his in-depth background and experience in ophthalmology resulted, over a 40-year period, in a remarkable range of novel devices, improvements in surgical methods and revolutionary new treatment methods and modalities. A partial list of Peyman's most significant discoveries and inventions (with first publication date), many of which are still in use today, includes:

Eye wall resection (tumors) and biopsy

Intraocular drug delivery

Laser in Ophthalmology

Macular degeneration

Honors and awards

1973 Fisher Prize, Chicago Ophthalmology Society
1974 Advisor to the Na.onal Commission of Diabetes
1976 Honorary Member, New Zealand Ophthalmology Society
1979 Honor Award, American Academy of Ophthalmology
1981 Honorary Member, All India Ophthalmological Society
1982 Honorary Member, Paraguayan Ophthalmological Society
1984 Honorary Corresponding Member, Peruvian Ophthalmological Society
1988 Honorary Member, Latin American Ocular Angiofluorography and Photocoagulation Society
1989 U.S. Public Health Service grant EY07541 from the National Eye Institute the National Institutes of Health Services, Bethesda, MD
1989 Senior Honor Award, American Academy of Ophthalmology
1990 Honorary member, All India Ophthalmological Laser Society
1996-97 Included in first edition of The Best Doctors in America: Southeast Region
1997 Honor Award, Vitreous Society
1998 Included in fourth edition of The Best Doctors in America
2001 Gertrude Pyron Lecturer Award, Vitreous Society Annual
2001 ASCRS Innovators Award
2003 Achievement Award, Iranian Ophthalmology Society
2004 Paul Henkind Lecturer, Macula Society
2005 Hall of Fame of Ophthalmology [Reference:]
2005 Pfizer/ARVO Translational Research Award
2008 Waring Medal, Journal of Refractive Surgery
2008 Lifetime Achievement Award, American Academy of Ophthalmology [REFERENCE:]
2010 Iraninan Opthalmology gold medal


  1. ^ US Patent 4,840,175, "METHOD FOR MODIFYING CORNEAL CURVATURE", granted June 20, 1989
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^ United States Patent and Trademark Office (hep:// %22Peyman%3B+Gholam%22&FIELD1=&co1=AND&TERM2=&FIELD2=&d=PTXT)
  5. ^ US Patent 4,840,175, "METHOD FOR MODIFYING CORNEAL CURVATURE", granted June 20, 1989
  6. ^ American Academy of Cataract and Surgery (hep://
  7. ^ Ophthalmic Surgery 11:325-329, 1980
  8. ^ Ophthalmology 96:1160-1170, 1989
  9. ^ Examples of these inlays can be found in US Patents: #6,203,538, granted March 2001, #6,217,571, granted April 2001, AND #6,280,470, all entitled, "INTRASTROMAL CORNEAL MODIFICATION";
    1. 6,221,067, granted April 2001, entitled "CORNEAL MODIFICATION VIA IMPLANTATION"; and others
  10. ^ Journal of Refractive Surgery (hep://
  11. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 3:29-31, 1972; Am J Ophthalmol 77:525-528, 1974; and Ophthalmic Surg 8:51-53,1977
  12. ^ Arch Ophthalmol 86:548-551, 1971 and Surv Ophthalmol 17:29-40, 1972
  13. ^ Am J Ophthalmol 80:767, 1975
  14. ^ Irvine AR, O'Malley C (eds): Advances in Vitreous Surgery, Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas, pp 258-264, 1976 and In McPherson A (ed): New and Controversial Aspects of Vitreoretinal Surgery. St. Louis, CV Mosby, pp 169-175, 1977.
  15. ^ Am J Ophthalmol 81:99-100, 1976.
  16. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 7:96-97, 1976.
  17. ^ Can J Ophthalmol 15:49-50, 1980.
  18. ^ Arch Ophthalmol 100:1973, 1982.
  19. ^ Retina 8:288, 1988
  20. ^ Can J Ophthalmol 25:285-286, 1990.
  21. ^ Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 27:246-247, 1996
  22. ^ Am J Ophthalmol 133:568-569, 2002
  23. ^ Am J Ophthalmol 135:236-237, 2003
  24. ^ Am J Ophthalmol 13:199-201, 2003.
  25. ^ Arch Ophthalmol 98:2062-2064, 1980.
  26. ^ Arch Ophthalmol 99:2037-2038, 1981.
  27. ^ Arch Ophthalmol 99:327, 1981
  28. ^ Int Ophthalmol 9:43-44, 1986
  29. ^ Arch Ophthalmol 104:608, 1986
  30. ^ Retna 4:129-131, 1984
  31. ^ Can J Ophthalmol 21:269-270, 1986
  32. ^ Retna 7:32-33, 1987
  33. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 18:185-186, 1987
  34. ^ Arch Ophthalmol 110:718, 1992.
  35. ^ Arch Ophthalmol 90(3):235-8, 1973
  36. ^ Int Ophthalmol 10:149-151, 1987
  37. ^ Can J Ophthalmol 22:276-278, 1987
  38. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 20:286-293, 1989
  39. ^ Surv Ophthalmol 39:375-395, 1995
  40. ^ Invest Ophthalmol 11:115-121, 1972
  41. ^ Arch Ophthalmol 92:216-218, 1974
  42. ^ Invest Ophthalmol 14:707-710, 1975
  43. ^ Int Ophthalmol. 1986 Apr;9(1):29-36
  44. ^ Ann Ophthalmol 9:479-484, 1977
  45. ^ Ophthalmology 90:840-847, 1983
  46. ^ Int Ophthalmol 14:101-104, 1990.
  47. ^
    • Many peer-reviewed publications, including: Am J Ophthalmol 76:343-350, 1973; Arch Ophthalmol 92:149-154, 1974; Ophthalmic Surg 5:34-39, 1974; Am J Ophthalmol 80:764-765, 1975; et. al.
  48. ^ Can J Ophthalmol 9:463-467, 1974
  49. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 14:494-498, 1983
  50. ^ J Am Intraocul Implant Soc 8:357-360, 1982.
  51. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 14:845-847, 1983 and Ophthalmic Surg 15:767-769, 1984
  52. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 15:767-769, 1984
  53. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 10(10):74-77, 1979
  54. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 15:844-846, 1984
  55. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 16:247-249, 1985
  56. ^ Surv Ophthalmol 29:434-442, 1985
  57. ^ Int Ophthalmol 8:193-198, 1985
  58. ^ Rena 9:232-236, 1989
  59. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 15:666-669, 1984
  60. ^ Arch Ophthalmol 102:1618-1621, 1984
  61. ^ Arch Ophthalmol 102:1750, 1984
  62. ^ Arch Ophthalmol 103:840-841, 1985
  63. ^ Retna 7:80-83, 1987
  64. ^ Int Ophthalmol 12:151-154, 1988
  65. ^ Retina 12:261-264, 1992
  66. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 17:155-156, 1986
  67. ^ Int Ophthalmol 12:105-107, 1988
  68. ^ Surg Lasers 33:140-144, 2002
  69. ^ Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 27:1103-1106, 1986
  70. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 19:252-256, 1988
  71. ^ Int Ophthalmol 12:175-182, 1988
  72. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 22:175-180, 1991
  73. ^ Int Ophthalmol 16:109-113, 1992
  74. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 11:325-329, 1980
  75. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 15:496-501, 1984
  76. ^ Int Ophthalmol 8:199-209, 1985
  77. ^ Int Ophthalmol 10:213-220, 1987
  78. ^ Int Ophthalmol 10:245-253, 1987
  79. ^ Ophthalmic Surg 18:726-727, 1987
  80. ^ Int Ophthalmol 11:159-62, 1988
  81. ^ Int Ophthalmol 11:175-80, 1988

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